Monday, May 2, 2011

Favorite Coffee Stops

Well, we thought today was going to be a rainy day but the sun managed to sneak out.  I love to see the sun here in Juneau.  When the sun shines it makes you want to get out of the house even if it's to run errands.

Of course, you need a cup of coffee to get you out of those rainy day moods and bring in the sunshine.  I actually needed two cups of coffee.  I started at Vintage Fare in the Nugget Mall.  They always have a experimental coffee drink. I think todays was called Banana Split.  I didn't try it.  I bought my usual soy latte with sugar free caramel.  It sounds like I'm on a diet.  Nope. Just getting older.

Then later in the day it was time to stop and get another cup of coffee.  This time I went to Thibbs drive-thru.  They are on Vanguard.  They always ask me how I want my drink.  And I always have great conversations there.  Very brief but always good.

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