Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Finding a Family Pet in Juneau Alaska

What I thought would be an easy trip to the humane society, became a huge shopping project.  See, I am from a large community, Orange County California, and getting a dog was easy.  The newspaper was full of them, the humane society was full of them. You could even grab a puppy at the front of your local grocery store.  Not so in Juneau Alaska.

As of right now in our local paper there is one dog for sale.  In the Orange County Register there are pages of adorable puppies for sale.   At the Gastineau Humane Society there are two dogs up for adoption and one in the city of Haines.  Which by the way, you can't drive to.  You take the ferry. That's another story.

Your probably wondering why we didn't adopt.  The dogs at the shelter were older and not known for being kid friendly.  We did see one that we adored but he was on his last leg.  Having a pet die wasn't something we wanted the kids to experience yet.  We checked the web site diligently but we couldn't find a dog that would fit our family.  Did I forget to mention we have two cats.  That also played a major part in finding a family dog.

"What did we do?" your wondering.  We did like everyone else in this day of technology.  We shopped on the internet.  Not only was the internet a great way to research the right dog for our family but it made it easy to locate the family dog that we thought would fit our family.  Which of course was in the lower 48, not a ferry ride.

Because I was not the one to locate our new family addition I had to ask how he found our puppy.  He was able to answer me in about 3 seconds.  Here's the poop: He was researching Boxer's and as he scrolled down the page there were ads for dog breeders and he clicked on the ad.  There you go.  How easy was that.

The hard part or should I say, the most expensive part was getting our new puppy here to Juneau, Alaska.  Chance would have it that the breeder had already flown out some puppies to Alaska so she new exactly how to get him here.  Do you want to know how much? It was $450 just for his flight out here. This was a far cry from the $100 or so dollars I was planning to spend.

I'll have to say something that was simple down south was a bit trickier here.  Was it worth it? Absolutely!

1 comment:

tdalaska said...

This was sweet - thanks for sharing your experience.

I love boxers!