Thursday, April 19, 2012

Walking the Dike Trail

This last week we have had glorious weather here in Juneau.  People are walking, jogging, biking everywhere I turn.  With the sun out we have joined the people in enjoying the outdoors.

The Dike Trail is down the street from us and that makes it convenient  to go for walks and run our dog Rosco. That's my son running in the field, not our dog. But you probably figured that out.

 The mountains in the background are on Douglas Island.  When the tide is low you could swear that you could just walk over.  I hear there are some deep mud areas that if you tried you could get your boots swallowed.

Can you believe that this is the mouth to the Gastineau Channel which leads to the ocean.  This tree, which is huge, finally lost hold of it's sandy foundation and toppled over.

Behind the home's (bottom) is the Mendenhall Glacier.  The photograph doesn't give you the feeling of it's immense size.  It is amazing!

This is the view from the beginning of the trail.  One day my son will want to walk further down and we can share the rest of the trail.  But for now he likes to stop here and run in the sand and play on the fallen tree.